Synchronicity and UFOs are created by the action of the human unconscious (black hole) and the black hole at the center of the earth


At the center of the planet, the source of the gravity that governs us is the black hole, and the planet was created when the black hole was reclaimed by nuclear fusion.


The unconscious of life, what we call the soul, is the black hole. The interaction of the black hole (unconscious or soul) in individual organisms and the black hole in the center of the earth manipulates and assembles symbols, and when some conditions are met, they exhibit concrete creativity that we call UFOs.


Just as the human black hole (unconscious) creates dreams, the black hole inside the earth remembers the events on the surface of the earth and the consciousness of life, converts them into symbols, and automatically tries to assemble a story.


Reality has the same properties as dreams. The literary phenomenon of generating context by combining symbols does not occur only in literature.

The gravity of a black hole absorbs and remembers not only matter, but also symbols, symbols, information, and spirit, complementing phenomena. Gravity, which is supposed to be a blind physical phenomenon, understands and combines symbols and expresses them.


The right window is a symbol of good and the left window is a symbol of evil, but if you leave the right window and the left window open, the cat prefers to go in and out through the right window. The ability to understand symbols is not only an intellectual product of human beings, but animals also understand the meaning of symbols, the unconscious, even inorganic matter, and even the black hole at the center of the earth is a primordial language that governs expression that can be understood.


Synchronicity, which we experience on a daily basis, is the blind phenomenon of a black hole aligning symbols.

The black hole is a blind collector that grasps symbols through mechanical perception and a clouded intellect, greedily aligning phenomena without distinguishing between good and bad, seeking symmetry, numbering, collecting, supplementing memory, reproducing, and perfecting.



A black hole tries to take into itself and absorb the same phenomena in a unified, condensed, and densified form.

If there is one blue spine paperback on the bookshelf,

Like the human desire to collect, to add another blue-spined paperback to establish symmetry on the bookshelf, the gravity of the black hole aligns death, creating a chain of similar deaths and accidents.

Just as if the right is large, the left is also large, so the black hole in the basement buys and aligns deaths.


A black hole tries to capture and absorb into itself the same phenomena united and condensed into a higher density.

Let's look at the daily news of obituaries on a news search on a search site. You will frequently see two people of the same age and the same occupation die in the same month in a particular country.

At the beginning of the 2020 Corona outbreak, there were a series of horse-related news stories about horses escaping, stables catching fire, and horses being abused.


The black hole that absorbed the phenomenon of "damage to economic activity" caused by the corona caused a synchronicity that damaged horses, the symbol of prosperity and power that humans ride.


It is dangerous to take synchronicity alone as divine revelation. Blind and mechanical black holes produce evil synchronicities that attack life.

It even makes a parody of Satan appear. Its holograms have a reality. It is Satan at the center of the black hole reincarnated on earth.

The black hole is the feminized version of the hyper-masculine Satan. The black hole, which is female, makes Satan's children appear on earth.


It is extremely difficult at this point for humans to stop the synchronicity that black holes create.

Suppose you dug a hole in the ground, and from that hole you yelled at the black hole in the center of the earth, "Stop this damned synchronicity!" and yell at it every day.


The next month, you would probably only see the news that a neighbor, angry at the noise of an old woman living in the next room, was arrested for threatening the old woman every day by yelling at her from over the wall.